Kali ini, kita akan menyajikan sebuah dialog antara dua teman, Alex dan Bella, yang menggunakan kombinasi dari Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense dalam percakapannya. Dialog ini menggambarkan pengalaman masa lalu dan bagaimana pengalaman tersebut masih berpengaruh pada masa sekarang. Mari simak percakapannya:
1. Alex: Have you ever been to Paris?
Bella: Yes, I have. I visited Paris last year with my family.
2. Alex: Did you finish your assignment?
Bella: Yes, I finished it this morning.
3. Alex: Have you seen the new movie?
Bella: No, I haven’t. I was busy with work this week.
4. Alex: Did you meet John at the party?
Bella: Yes, I met him yesterday. We had a great time.
5. Alex: Have you ever tried sushi?
Bella: No, I haven’t. I’m not a fan of raw fish.
6. Alex: Did you buy the latest iPhone?
Bella: Yes, I bought it last month when it was on sale.
7. Alex: Have you read the new book by that author?
Bella: Yes, I have. It’s really interesting.
8. Alex: Did you visit the museum in London?
Bella: Yes, I visited it during my trip to London last summer.
9. Alex: Have you ever been skydiving?
Bella: No, I haven’t. I’m too scared of heights.
10. Alex: Did you see the news about the earthquake?
Bella: Yes, I saw it on the news last night.
11. Alex: Have you tried the new restaurant in town?
Bella: Yes, I have. The food there is delicious.
12. Alex: Did you go to the concert last night?
Bella: No, I didn’t. I had to work late.
13. Alex: Have you finished your studies?
Bella: Yes, I have. I graduated last year.
14. Alex: Did you visit your grandparents over the weekend?
Bella: Yes, I did. I spent the weekend with them.
15. Alex: Have you ever won a competition?
Bella: Yes, I have. I won a singing competition when I was in high school.
16. Alex: Did you try the new dessert at the bakery?
Bella: Yes, I tried it yesterday. It was so delicious.
17. Alex: Have you ever been to a music festival?
Bella: No, I haven’t. But I really want to go to one.
18. Alex: Did you meet the new manager at work?
Bella: Yes, I met her this morning during the meeting.
19. Alex: Have you seen the latest episode of your favorite TV show?
Bella: No, I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet.
20. Alex: Did you hear the news about the snowstorm?
Bella: Yes, I heard about it on the radio this morning.
Dalam dialog di atas, Bella menggunakan Present Perfect Tense untuk menggambarkan pengalaman masa lalunya, seperti liburan ke Bali dan mencoba surfing untuk pertama kalinya. Sedangkan, Alex menggunakan Simple Past Tense untuk bertanya tentang pengalaman masa lalu Bella (How was your vacation in Bali? / Apa yang kamu lakukan disana?) dan menyatakan pengalaman masa lalunya yang belum sempat ia lakukan (I’ve always wanted to try surfing too, but I haven’t had the chance yet / Aku selalu ingin mencoba surfing juga, tapi belum kesempatan). Kombinasi kedua tenses ini memberikan nuansa yang menarik dalam percakapan mereka.